Yep, That is the World Series trophy.

Yep, That is the World Series trophy.
I know... you're jealous. It's ok. Just repent of your sin and become a Cardinal fan.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Because I know you were dying to know...

I've done one of these about a year and a half ago on myspace... but eh, why not do it again. The rules are once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird random facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end, choose six people to be tagged, list their names and why you tagged them. (there are more rules, but I'm ignoring them for the moment... and I'll explain later.)

So here is some of the stuff you've been eager to learn about me, but never knew that you wanted to know...

1.) I have an irrational fear of snakes... any snake.

2.) I don't eat nuts, don't like them. However, it's not really because I don't like them. When I was a small child my mom didn't want me to choke on them, so she would just say "don't eat those, you don't like them" and whatta ya know, I don't like them. It's only been in the last few years that I've realized I do kinda like pecans (but only in things, not by themselves.)

3.) I was a sophomore in college for 4 years!!!! How cool am I?

4.) I have been on the radio in Chile. Three years ago I spoke on the radio (along with a friend, Tyler) at a Chilean radio station.

5.) My grandparents on my dad's side were amish... and my dad has 72 first cousins... I'm related to most of the county.

6.) I am having a serious crisis about turning 30 in august... so instead I shall be celebrating my one year anniversary of turning 29.

7.) Most people know me as very outgoing and personable and willing to do whatever is needed with no shame... but I have always struggled with serious self-esteem issues.

8.) I absolutely love the Illini... to the point that my mood can be affected by how they played on that day. I know, it's sad, but true.

9.) I have had two head injuries with memory loss in my life. Once in sixth grade and once when I was 21. Still have no direct memory of the events.

10.) My life can often be summed up by a t-shirt my brother bought for me. "Danger: Mouth operates faster than brain." And it is soooooo true....

So there ya go... now I'm supposed to "tag" six people and list them here. However, I don't have a lot of contacts on blogger yet, and the couple I do have either tagged me (melissa) or were already tagged (by melissa) so I'm just gonna leave it at that. Anyway, hope that wasn't a monumental waste of your time. I actually have a more serious post to put on later, but don't have time at the moment. God bless.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks. It is good to learn more about you. I look forward to reading your more serious post soon.

    God Bless
