Yep, That is the World Series trophy.

Yep, That is the World Series trophy.
I know... you're jealous. It's ok. Just repent of your sin and become a Cardinal fan.

Friday, August 1, 2008

On with the memories

Ok, well, we're back for the next installment of my "turning 30 memories" And contrary to the declaration of my brother-in-law, I am not posting my eulogy, haha. This is just an exercise in enjoying memories from my life. I certainly plan on adding to this list in the future. Alright, on to today's segment:

PRE-MISSOURI COLLEGE (again, in no particular order)

floor hockey at U of I

* literally learning how to turn on a computer my freshman year at U of I

* 2nd floor Quake, Starcraft and Warcraft matches

* U of I games

* Becoming a manager at Yoder's at the wise old age of 19

* getting mom and dad a hotel room so we could have all-nighters at the house

* Chris DeFrancisco (the coolest suitemate ever)

* All of the HH guys

* Being an over-the-top Illini Fan with Schmidty

* The great Toilet Paper clean-up of 99 (and everything that goes with that)

* "God has NOT smiled upon us!!!" hahahahaha

* David and I catching the carpet on fire at Yoder's

* David covering the dishwasher room with trash when the bag broke

* 14 guys running into the theater to watch Mission Impossible 2, being late, and being very confused as to if we were in the right theater

* The Spirit-Filled Donuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* David trying to "golf" a can off the stump at the Youth House and about breaking his hands

* Working at Wal-mart for a summer and becoming a "go to guy"

* Being in charge of taking 7 kids to the Alive music festival in Ohio at the tender age of 19

* Being in charge of taking 22 kids to the Alive festival the following year

* Seeing the Supertones for the first time at Alive and being very frightened until we figured out what was going on

* Learning about the Waiting and Burlap to Cashmere because of Alive

* Carpooling to Lakeland with Jason and Brent

* Madden tournaments at Brent's house

* Late night runs to Meijer on Wed. at U of I since none of had class on Thursday

* Playing with bouncy balls in the Meijer parking lot and staying up all night playing hearts until breakfast

* the corner suite... nuff said

* Quad Squirrels

* Pick-up games at WIMPE

* Each and every character who lived on Hendrick floor 2 (whoever thought it was a good idea to put 90% of the freshman in the building on the same floor was an idiot... and I am forever grateful)

* Fidel Castro having lunch with Jesus in the coffeeshop one day at Yoder's

* Being the only manager at Yoder's when the tornado sirens went off, and then again when the power went out

* Playing football on the engineering quad

* Playing frisbee football on Sunday afternoons

* David playing drums during hymns at church

* Burning old cd's and covering Sando's in thick black smoke while killing the ozone over Arthur at the same time... sure not my best idea, but it was fun

* Kevin and I teaching ourselves guitar

* Snow Sumo Wrestling

* The great I Love Spam vs. SIOS club snow wars

Tune in tomorrow for the "Living in Missouri" list. God bless.


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