Yep, That is the World Series trophy.

Yep, That is the World Series trophy.
I know... you're jealous. It's ok. Just repent of your sin and become a Cardinal fan.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Because I know you've been dying to know...

I shall now give you a quick hit list of all things "us", that way you can get your fix and return fully focused to your lives. :D

- Tomorrow is Kaylee's 3rd birthday. I would say I can't believe she is that old, but on most days she acts much older than a 3 year old. For instance, one of her favorite shows at the moment is Hannah Montana, her favorite movie currently is High School Musical 3, she knows the Jonas brothers, and when I don't do what she wants she will sigh big, put her hand on her forehead and say "oh good grief" (or something similar). At this rate we will hit the "teenage years" by the time she is 6.

- For her birthday we are heading to St. Louis tonight and going to the zoo tomorrow. Here's for praying rain away tomorrow.

- We spent a week in Carrollton, GA (outside of Atlanta) for the CFN church conference. It's always a great time and this year was no exception. We got to spend time with old friends, meet new ones and even got to see the Schroeders, who had moved there from Arthur early last year. Unfortunately, as with every conference, we didn't have nearly enough time to spend with everyone, but I still wouldn't pass it up for anything.

- At the conference, one of the speakers was Daniel Juster. His intelligence level is astronomically high. Even though it left my head spinning, one of the best sessions I've ever been to, anywhere. :)

- I have been "reassigned" at work for the village. I now only work in the visitor center on Saturdays and the other days I work for the streets and alleys dept. I am the whatever guy and do whatever is needed when I'm there. Lots of scooping horse poop, weed-eating, watering and other various things. It's a nice change of pace and at least I won't be pasty-white from sitting behind a desk all summer. :D

- I'm still buzzin off the high that is the Guatemala trip. I'm missing all of my new friends from that time and long to see them again. I'm fairly certain I will be back next year, with Jenn this time. She needs to experience it and I need to get back. :D

- With Guatemala done and past, the next trip on the docket is Mexico. We leave July 25 from Chicago and fly to Morelia Mexico. We will spend a week there and return on Sunday Aug 2. We are taking a team of 12 guys down to play in a basketball tournament of sorts and do various odd job projects. Our goal is to help connect the local youth to our friends in ministry. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about this trip. I'm excited to see what God has in store for the people there, I'm excited to see our guys grow and mature in God, and I get to see some dear friends in the process. PLUS you just can't beat authentic tortillas.

- On a side note with that trip, I've decided that while I'm not a proponent of "God our mother", I am certain that God is a feminist. My wife gets to say "I told you so" much too often for that not to be the case. I was freakin out about the plane tickets because we were having serious issues getting them booked. Every time we would raise the amount needed the cost would go up. So here we are about a month out and no tickets (not good for my state of mind) and the whole time I'm freakin, Jenn is saying "God knows and we believe this is His will to go, it will work out..." Well, this week we got the tickets and the price dropped to below the original price 2 months ago.... sigh. She is ALWAYS right. Grr. :)

- We thought Mexico would be our last trip for this year, but there is a chance we will take another trip in the fall. As we are becoming increasingly involved in Adopt-A-Child (more on that in the future after some of the dust has settled), we believe we might be going to a conference they have in September. The best part, it's in Northern Ireland. :D Nothing definite yet, but we REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to go.

- Don't ya just know that when God starts moving and things are happening the attacks come? After the amazing week we had last week at the CFN conference, this week I have pulled a muscle in my back, had a random allergic reaction that swelled my eyes almost shut, had Jenn's paycheck have an error, my paycheck have an error, both paychecks being small to begin with because of the time taken off for the conference, the gas on the stove left on for an entire afternoon (even though neither of us used the stove that day, which was strange), the air conditioning drain plug and leak into the utility room, the a/c vents in the back half of the house quit working after they fixed the drain, me spending a day under the house finding out that the previous drain issues had filled the a/c tube under the house with water and having to fix it, and have the shocks in Jenn's car sound like they are about to die. I REALLY hate when the minutiae of life gets in the way of doing Kingdom work, so as you can imagine I've been a little annoyed this week. The good thing, I'm not discouraged or complaining, just explaining. And rest assured, this just fires me up to do more. Like I've always said, the attacks come when you are doing something positive for the Kingdom. Enemies don't attack places that aren't strategic.

Ok, that's enough rambling for now. I'm sure I've forgotten a thousand things that are going on, but that's enough for now. I pray all is well with you. God bless.

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